Post by Krzysztof HalasaTzn. nie jest wazne czy rozwiazanie spelnia jakies sensowne warunki
(szyfrowanie to raczej powazne zastosowanie), tylko ze trzeba kiwnac
palcem? No coz, trzeba, jesli ktos nie chce miec tylko iluzji.
Myślałem o produkcie:
Kingston's DataTraveler® Vault Privacy Edition USB Flash drive is assembled
in the U.S. for organizations that require a secure way to store and
transfer portable data. The stored data is 100 percent secured by
hardware-based, 256-bit AES encryption to guard sensitive information in
case the drive is lost or stolen. Its durable, aluminum casing provides
added protection.
DataTraveler Vault - Privacy Edition is backed by a five-year warranty,
free tech support and legendary Kingston® reliability.
Full Encryption – 100 percent of stored data is protected by
hardware-based, 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Fast1 – data transfer rates of up to 24 MB/sec. read and up to 10 MB/sec.
Secure – drive locks down and reformats after 10 intrusion attempts
Enforced password protection – complex password is user set with minimum
characteristics to prevent unauthorized access
Fully Supports Macintosh OS
Easy to use – no admin rights or application installation required
Customizable** – preload content, password length, maximum number of
password attempts
Cologo available** – add your companys logo to increase brand recognition
Guaranteed – five-year warranty with free customer support
Durable – aluminum casing
Waterproof2 – protects against water damage
Kingston w dokumencie:
pisze tak:
2.0 Hardware-Based, Real-Time Data Encryption
Cryptography is the science of encrypting and decrypting data using a
special “key” to encode and decode the data. Unencrypted data (or files)
are processed through an encryption engine (either in software or in
hardware) to produce an encrypted file; without the exact key, the data is
Kingston DT Vault and DT Vault – Privacy Edition drives feature one of the
industry’s best, most robust data encryption capabilities. Their encryption
technology is based upon the same standard used in high-security
applications – the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Keys are sequences
of bits (256 in the case of AES-256) which are used by the
encryption/decryption engine to uniquely process the data.
With DT Vault – Privacy Edition drives, a Login program is automatically
launched to allow for the entry of a valid password. Once the password is
successfully entered, the data content of the drive is visible and
When data is written to a privacy zone of either the DT Vault or the DT
Vault – Privacy Edition, it is encrypted by the AES Encryption and
Decryption Co-Processor in real-time, and then written to the Flash memory
storage. Similarly for reads, the data is decrypted real-time on the DT
Vault drive and then sent to the host computer.
Without the unique 256-bit key, which is uniquely generated for the DT
Vault utilizing a true random number generator, encrypted data is nearly
impossible to decode.
I teraz pytanie. Z opisu wynika, że mam tu sprzętowe szyfrowanie
zapisywanych danych algorytmem AES 256. Skoro tak byłoby to dlaczeog da sie
to relatywnie łatwo złamac ??? GDzie jest luka ? Bo z komentarzy wnosze, że
trueCrypt jest skuteczniejszy...
Moze jestem leniwy, i chciałbym, żeby pendrive zmusił mnie do hasła bez
dodatkowego klikania. A że czasem musze trochę ważnych danych przenieść, to
jakoś nie widzę się z niezaszyfrowanym flash-dyskiem. Za dużo takich dysków
ginie i za dużo ludzi potem drży. Kiedyś prawnik dał mi na chwile swojego
pen-drive a potem drżał, czy aby mu nie wyczytałem danych z jego
kalncelarii=rózne trudne sprawy. A przecież on może kiedyś tego pena